The audience chose the winning drone show, A Dance for Two was their favourite
Brno – A drone squadron took off to the night sky twice during this year's Ignis Brunensis. The first show, a Dance for Two, became the winner among the audience, though only by a narrow margin.
During the first show, 200 drones illustrated the relationship between the Czech Republic and Slovakia through a metaphorical relationship between a man and a woman. A week later, the drones then created several Mysteries of the World over Brno Lake, and took the audience on a mythical journey – from the pyramids to the Loch Ness Monster.
The final ratings of both shows were very close, although the first show maintained a slight lead over the second one. Voting took place on the Facebook page @ignis.brunensis.official using emoji reactions. A total of 220 viewers gave their vote to one (or both) of the shows.
Dominika Lišková
The author graduated from FSS MU in Brno,
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