We will accompany the best effects from our suppliers by jazz, say Filipino fireworkers. They’ll present the first Filipino show in Brno
Which part of your show you'd like to highlight?
It is hard to highlight a specific part of our show since we take an equal amount of care to design every single section. But we are especially looking forward to presenting the last song of the show, "Rhapsody in Blue". With its many movements, changes in speed and mood, this was a particularly challenging song to design, and we hope that the public will appreciate the result of our efforts!
What can the audience of the IGNIS BRUNENSIS expect? Are there any surprises or special effects in your show?
Being a foreign company in a European festival has advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages we have is that we are not married to a single supplier. Therefore, we had the luxury of being able to pick and choose products from multiple different suppliers, highlighting what we think is the best from each of them. Spectators coming to see our show can expect to see a lot of single shots comets and mines, highlighting the note-for-note segments of certain passages and giving the show a very precise feel. They can also look forward to seeing some very nice cylindrical Spanish shells, some gorgeous roman candles, and a powerful finale segment.
How did you choose the music for your show? And how did you feel about including the lively "The Charleston"?
Having to use "The Charleston" as a mandatory piece really dictated the whole soundtrack of the show. We like to have shows with sense of unity, a strong thematic throughout. Therefore, we settled on a Jazz theme and listened to over 100 Jazz songs. We then proceeded to eliminate them in order to build the pace that we wanted for this show; a strong opening segueing into the mandatory music, then a slower piece to highlight softer effects of fireworks, flowing into a very upbeat and dynamic 4th song, and ending with a complex song, with very wide dynamic moments leading into a powerful finale.
In which festivals or places have you participated this year before coming to Ignis Brunensis in Brno?
This year, we have participated in the Malta fireworks festival where we took 3rd place.
At the end of last month, our whole production team (more than 20 of us) flew to Pattaya, Thailand, where we provided the production services for the Pattaya International Fireworks Festival.
Where are you heading next after performing in Brno?
Our next international show will be in Moosomin, Saskatchewan (Canada) on August 6 and in "La Grande Motte", in the south of France on August 7.
Medallions of fireworkers:
Name and surname: Ricardo Jr Saragena Baltazar (Thogs).
Function/position within the team: Specialist in single shot mounting, frontline and special construction projects.
Three words that describe me: Meticulous, patient, and precise.
Name and surname: Augustin Saragena Baltazar (Teng).
Function/position within the team: Shell loading supervisor, firing system integrator.
Three words that describe me: Friendly, positive, easy going.
Name and surname: Charmie Mojar Salinas Jr. (Mitoy).
Function/position within the team: Project manager, firing system operator.
Three words that describe me: Hard working, knowledgeable, details-oriented.
Medallion of the fireworks team:
The name of the team: Platinum Fireworks Inc.
Year the team originated in: 2002.
Number of shows per year: about 200.
The greatest success in the recent period: We experienced several achievements through 2018, for example:
Winners of the Wanzai International Fireworks Competition (China).
Winners of the Sea Fire Fireworks Competition (Gold Coast, Australia).
2nd place Pyromagic International Fireworks Festival (Poland).