Spanish manufacturers produced pink fireworks effects at our request, says Czech fireworks designer


Brno – On Saturday, 15 June at 22:30, the sky above the Brno Lake will be lit up by an unusual fireworks project: the Rhapsody in Rainbow, a pyromusical co-produced by several European firework designers from various teams and companies, where each song has a maximum of two colours and the whole rainbow appears in the finale. Questions were answered by one of the authors of the show, Jaroslav Štolba from Flash Barrandov SFX. However, other fireworkers from the Czech Republic, Germany and Spain also took part in the show: from the Czech Republic Daniel Černý, who collaborated on this year's overture fireworks show, from Germany Matthias Lünig and Renzo Cargnelutti and Spain's Ricardo Caballer and Bernardo Sanchiz Vallbona.

Thanks to Rainbow Rhapsody, we can enjoy pink fireworks effects. How long did it take you to inspire manufacturers to include pink in their effects range?

Ricardo Caballer first responded to the request and three months later they prepared a test for us in Valencia of different types of effects in pink. I remember it very well, because several manufacturers and potential clients participated in the tests with great interest and many smiles... We were able to insert the Pink Panther part into the show and within one season, several manufacturers in Spain were producing pink effects. Today most manufacturers, including China, offer them.

How challenging is it to devise a show so that each song has only two colours?

It's interesting to work with chromaticity temperature and matching each colour to different musical backgrounds. It's down to individual taste, but the basis of colour perception is often intuitively similar in humans, just as we perceive colours as warm and pleasant, or cold and aggressive...

Which part of Rainbow Rhapsody was written first?

It was In the Mood. We felt right from the beginning that it should be the final piece and therefore contain all the colours of the rainbow spectrum, but it was the ability to create a piece in pink that gave the initial push. Because the world of jazz and swing is very free and allows you to be playful and humorous...

Was it difficult to include the obligatory Chariots of Fire in the concept of Rainbow Rhapsody?

We had to be sensitive to choose a musical arrangement that also communicates with the other pieces. However, using remixes instead of the original sound makes the songs more accessible to the younger generation. We will be looking at the reactions of the audience and the jury, where there are many people who understand music perfectly or have a strong opinion on it. Let's hope they will be open to our ideas…

On Saturday 15 June, the visitors at the Brno Lake will enjoy a busy programme: all afternoon you can they will be able to taste beers from microbreweries at the Poupě Beer Festival, in the evening there will be a concert by BRASS AVENUE.

 At 22:00, before the fireworks show, a squadron of 250 drones will take off for the second time with a show called Water is Life. David Zaorálek from Spectrum Production, the Brno-based company that produces the drone show, explained that they will present the life journey of a drop of water and even give Brno its own sea for a while. "This is a broad topic with many possibilities. I must admit that the possibility of letting a giant blue whale or other sea creatures fly over the water and making the Brno Lake an imaginary Brno Sea is very entertaining for me as a Brno resident," Zaorálek added about the preparation of the drone show.

Dominika Lišková
The author graduated from FSS MU in Brno,
for more information from students of the faculty visit Stisk online

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